Pogudin Andrey Pavlovich


рhone: +7 342 282 52 80

mob. phone: +7 965 579 00 11

e-mail: andrei@pogud.in


Scherbakov Sergey Ivanovich

Technical Director

Direction of boiler and turbine equipment

рhone: +7 342 282 52 80

mob. phone: +7 902 471 33 29

e-mail: sis@entechnika.ru


Yuferov Pavel Aleksandrovich

Head of Electrical Equipment

phone: +7 342 282 52 80

mob. phone: +7 922 643 07 49

e-mail: yuferov@entechnika.ru


Our address:

Perm, st. Krupskaya, 34 office 415 (BC “Engineer”)

phone: +7 342 282 52 80

e-mail: info@entechnika.ru
